Controlled, scalable and managed hosting without hassle
If IT problems are causing you grey hairs to mysteriously appear, maybe it’s time to hire us for your IT needs! Many businesses are hindered by time and budget constraints for an in-house IT department to manage a costly running server these days. However, we aim to handle it for you as an external but integral part of your company. You’ll have more time, energy and money to invest back in the business rather than wondering about your hosting solution.
CyberDelights creates a fully customized and supported Web presence – providing a comprehensive solution and around-the-clock backup to all of your system needs. No matter if you are creating informational websites, blogs, Web2.0, E-Commerce, Rich Media sites, SaaS or back office applications; we will become the newest and most productive member of your IT team. We keep your site running and deliver on business projects that accelerate your strategic objectives.
With CyberDelights’ Managed Hosting services, your business will enjoy:
Comprehensive Managed Hosting Services - We provide a complete inventory of products and services, together with our unrivalled database management abilities. You'll enjoy critical services that focus on security, monitoring, backup and storage.
Practical, Dependable, Customized Processes - Starting with an in-depth analysis of your business to determine specific needs, we will be able to design, implement, manage and measure solutions that work for your business.
Dedicated Hosting Experts Who Know You and Your Business - Your CyberDelights team includes unlimited network support, as well as your own Account Manager, DBA, Network Security Specialist and Systems Engineer.
So call us today and find out how managed hosting can help your IT needs.